
Learning Styles

Recent research suggests all of us have a preference for one of three styles of learning: visual, auditory or kinaesthetic. Some people have a very strong preference, other people have a more even mixture of two styles. When you know your preferred learning style you can implement strategies and memory aids for note taking and studying that will help you learn and remember things more quickly.

Visual Learner
Auditory Learner
Kinaesthetic Learner
Things that can help me remember are:
Putting information in flowcharts and diagrams
Putting information in my own words and saying it aloud
Real-life examples and case studies
To be most effective:
I need to understand the whole picture and where my part fits in.
I discuss my ideas and plans with others
I need to be able to move about when I’m concentrating

There is no right or wrong learning style. The point is that there are types of learning that are right for you. In just one tutorial session we can help you identify your preferred learning style, and then give you strategies to help you apply that for exam revision, classroom learning and future success in your working life.

Do you have reading or spelling problems?

You’re not the only one. So did Thomas Edison, George Washington and Erin Brockovich.

IDL is a specialist, computer-based tuition programme from the UK that helps you read and spell better. Originally it was designed for people with Dyslexia, but since then it’s been proved to help people even if they aren’t actually dyslexic, but just struggle with reading, writing or maintaining concentration.

Focal Point offer 26-one hour sessions, once or twice a week at times that suit your schedule. We take the time to understand your difficulties, so you can work at the best level and pace for you. You can find out more about IDL or Dyslexia here